SUPPORTED CARRIERS. Texting Services are available on most carriers in the United States and Canada (which may change at any time without notice to you), including: T-Mobile, AT&T, Verizon Wireless, Sprint, DTC Wireless, U.S. Cellular Corp, Boost Mobile, Virgin Mobile USA, Iowa Wireless, Metro PCS, ACS Wireless, West Central Cellular, NTELOS, Bluegrass Cellular, Plateau Wireless, Cellular South d.b.a. C Spire, Carolina West Wireless, Appalachian Wireless, Immix Wireless/Keystone Wireless, Cellcom, Cellular One of East Central / ECIT (East Central Illinois), GCI / Alaska Digitel, Inland Cellular, Illinois Valley, Nex-Tech, United Wireless, Chat Mobility, NW Missouri Cellular, Cablevision, MTPCS (Cellular One), Thumb Cellular, Viaero Wireless, AIO Jasper, PTCI (Panhandle Wireless), Flat Wireless, Union Wireless, Copper Valley, SouthernLINC Wireless, SRT Wireless, Mid-Rivers Communications (aka Cable & Cellular Communications, LLC), MobileNation/SI Wireless, MTA, Duet IP, Mobi PCS, Peoples Wireless, Epic Touch, Mosaic, Pioneer Cellular, UBET, South Central Utah, Gold Star Communications, All West Communications, Farmers Mutual Telephone, CTC Telecom, Eagle Telephone System, Nucla-Naturita Tel, Syringa Wireless, Manti Tel, Pine Cellular, Republic Wireless, Google Voice, Chariton Valley Wireless, Nemont Sagebrush Cellular, Leaco Rural Telephone Coope, CellularOne (of North East Arizona), Roger Wireless, Fido, Chatr, Cityfone, Telus Mobility, Koodo Mobile, Public Mobile, Bell Mobility, Virgin Mobile, Bell MTS, Freedom Mobile, Vidéotron Mobile, SaskTel Mobility, Eastlink Wireless, Ice Wireless, Sugar Mobile, Tbaytel Mobility, Lynx Mobility, Keewaytinook Mobile, Sogetel, ECOTEL, Xplornet. Other carriers and phone numbers outside of the United States and Canada are not currently supported.